My Farmer is the 7th generation to raise corn, soybeans and seed corn in north central Illinois. While we farm with his family, we live close enough to my childhood home to keep up with the goings-on there.
Our parents gave my sibilings and I ample time to use our imaginations and even more time to complete the chore list. Surrounded by pigs, cows, horses, barn cats and loyal mutts, we gathered life lessons like eggs in a basket and today attempt to share them with the next generation.
Our farm boy and very fairy farm princess are our reason for farming, for volunteering in our community and recognizing daily our place in God’s grand space. We are not here to take but to make better what has been put in our care.

For nine years I’ve been pen-paling with Chicago-area classes about life on the farm. We’ve been fortunate to host a few of them to our farm.
Talking, writing, tweeting, and “liking” agriculture has become part of my daily routine. Our farm has always been open to students, teachers, industry groups and curious passers-by. But this renewed interest in the origins of food has taken the farm conversation from the corner coffee shop to the national stage. In the end, the message is the same: “Get to know your farmer.”
So, here at Rural Route 2, I introduce you to our farm. You will find a plethora of written word, bushels of self reflection, long-winded nostalgic essays, short rants on current events and just a few opinions about farming and food. Oh yes, and very few pictures. I am no photographer.
You will also find a space to ask a question, leave a comment or make a suggestion. This farm life is our privilege to share. Feel free to do just that by finding me on:
- facebook at Rural Route 2: The Life & Times of an Illinois Farm Girl
- twitter @KatiePratt4
- Or follow me by clicking “Follow” in the column at right.