What FFA activities do you participate in and which is your favorite?
I have participated in soil judging, agronomy, and livestock judging career development events, state and national conventions, FFA Camp, Ohio Leadership Camp, the annual winter fruit sale, being a part of the officer team for two years, and working on my supervised agricultural experience (SAE), which led to competing in proficiency awards.
My favorite activity is the national convention. I like meeting members from other parts of the country. This past convention was my favorite. I was honored to be a finalist for the Fiber and Oil Crop Proficiency area. The FFA made it a special time for me and all of the finalists. We were recognized at a luncheon with all of the finalists, their guests, and the judges for the proficiency interviews. Even though it was nerve wracking I did enjoy the interview process with the six judges who interviewed me and the other three who were finalists in our area. Then to top it off with being recognized on stage at the National Convention was the best! I didn’t win the top spot but I feel proud to be one of the top 4 in the United States for 2015.

Tyler is recognized at the 2015 National FFA Convention as one of the top four members in the Fiber/Oil Crop Proficiency award area.
Why do you stay?
I am a graduate member and this is my sixth and final year in the jacket. I will be receiving my American Degree this year at the national convention. I’ve had so many opportunities to learn and grow these six years. Each year brought new chances to complete application forms, work on my record keeping skills, and how to interview. I will definitely miss it when I no longer am a member. But, I will be able to help our chapter in the years to come as a member of the community.
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