What a fun surprise to receive a nomination for Liebster Award from Colby over at My Ag Life blog.
The Liebster Award is for bloggers given by bloggers to recognize the efforts of so many who are attempting to share thoughts, information, opinions, photos and more in the vastness of cyberspace. I’ll admit. It’s nice to know someone reads what I write. So, thank you Colby!
Generally, nominations are for “up and coming” bloggers meaning they have fewer than 200 followers. To accept the reward, the nominee answers 10 questions (why does it always have to be 10) asked by the nominator, nominates 10 more up and coming bloggers and provides another list of 10 questions to be answered.
Well, I accept the award because this may be the only award I ever get for this pet project. Here are my answers to Colby’s 10 questions.
- Why do you blog? I love to write and dream of being a published author, as in this has been my dream since 3rd grade when I won the Young Authors Award at school. Writing has become my therapy and I found typing on a keyboard more convenient than picking up a pen and paper. It’s also my way of sharing our farm story, crazy kid stories, and mommy moments.
- How did you first become connected to agriculture? Born and raised. Ag is in my blood and my genes/jeans – both kinds.
- If you could visit any period in history, when would it be and why? I’d be the first to sign up for a wagon train west. My heart has always been with Laura Ingalls Wilder on the open prairie carving out a hard-won existence in the middle of beautiful nothingness.
- What is your favorite holiday? Gosh. I love them all because of family, fun and food. Always food.
- If you had to be an animal, what would it be and why? I’d be a cow . . . a Brown Swiss because I raised a Brown Swiss named Caroline from birth. She was quite the character, gave me two calves and was my best friend for some time. Then my dad said, “We are not a dairy farm. She’s not staying.” Good-bye Caroline.
- If you could fix one thing about the agriculture industry, what would it be? Sometimes in our efforts to share our farm story and communicate information about agriculture we inadvertently throw another sector of the agriculture under the bus. I think this hurts our efforts to communicate with the non-farming public more than the misinformation coming from “outside” agriculture. If we could just recognize and respect (see #7) that we all have the choice to farm and ranch in a manner that fits our family, our farm, our land and our animals . . . we’d be a lot better off.
- What does the world need a little more of? R-E-S-P-E-C-T (Be honest, how many of you sang that?)
- If you could pick your own alias or nickname, what would it be? My good friend calls me “Sister Kate” and I, in turn call him “Brother Rob”.
- The wonderful thing about Tiggers is….? . . . is that Tiggers are wonderful things! Yea for Winnie the Pooh and friends.
- What is one piece of advice that you try and live by? I am responsible for me. My choice, my life. No one else lays claim to my mistakes or my accomplishments.
Now, here’s the 10 “up and coming” bloggers I nominate, all of which offer their own unique perspective on life, agriculture, food and farming:
- Kalu Samuel’s Blog: Kalu writes about agriculture in Africa. Go outside your fence rows and learn what other farmers face.
- Dirt Road Charm
- Thewritesteph
- Heim Dairy
- Nuttygrass
- Griggs Dakota
- From the Tractor Seat
- for the love of beef
- Hawaii Farmer’s Daughter
- My Cows and Pigs
And here are my 10 questions, which are actually more like word associations. I say ‘x’ and you say ‘?’.
- I say “farm”; you say . . .
- Food:
- Family:
- Winter:
- Advocacy (for ag):
- Soil:
- Sun:
- Seed:
- Game:
- Garden:
Love your answers 🙂 Thanks for taking part!
Thanks for speaking at the Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leader Conference yesterday. My husband and I learned a lot from you like that we should not try to defend or condem others’ farm practices. We need to worry about our own practices and tell our story. No one can make or change it but us and anyone else’s opinions don’t matter, so that is the one we need to focus on.
Thanks for saying so. When My Farmer asked my daughter about her trip with me: “What did Mommy talk about?” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know Dad, just stuff, I guess.” So, I’m glad you were able to take something away from the workshop. : ) IFB always does great at putting together good conferences.
This is just great and awesome! Would you consider adding me to the list in the future?