But as my sister, a jr. high teacher, reassured me Wednesday, “These students are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.”
Truth on so many levels.
So . . . while I was sucked into watching the mania that is still gripping our country, my farm princess was doing her best to make her bed. You might recall making the bed in this house is somewhat therapeutic. That simple task pulled me from my post-baby blues. It is a chore I insist the kids tackle each day, which rarely equals completion of the task.
Laundry this week included bedding. By day’s end, every bed was made except for the farm princess’ because I couldn’t put a sheet on it without removing what looked like an expansive art project . . . that included glitter . . . of course. Frustrated, I left the sheets on the floor and said, “I’ll make your bed when I can get to it and it is cleaned off.”
She slept that night on the mattress pad surrounded by glitter. I choose to say she is independent. My Farmer calls her stubborn, like her mother.
The next day I repeated my offer and again, she did not accept.
Wednesday evening as My Farmer and I were discussing the day (he’s done with #harvest16 and was home by 7!), my farm princess plodded down the stairs and collapsed on a chair in the living room.
“Whew!” she exclaimed dramatically. “Making a bed is hard work! How do you do that Mom?”
My Farmer chuckled, “Moms just know.”
Indignant she replied, “But one day I’ll be a mom. Will I just know how to do all the stuff Mom does? Isn’t there a school or something?”
What does this have to do with the elections and aftermath? Quite simply . . . she reminded me that real life goes on. We wake, we farm, we volunteer. In this house, evidently, I’m running a school for future mothers. I would like to think My Farmer and I are doing our best to shape future leaders as well.
And that’s all I need to power on, to consciously choose to be kind, think before speaking and seek understanding of differences, whether they come as opinions, personalities, politics or bed making habits.
Obviously she assumes motherhood is in her future because she has such a good example of how it works.
Ah! Thanks Mom.
Beautiful message for all here