Yep and no laundry had been done.
I co-chair the school’s book fair and had spent the week in the gym turned bookstore, helping kids and parents find books, books and more books. Every day, students filed through pulling handfuls of piggy bank change from their pockets. They were all so pleased to walk away with something from the book fair.
I walked away with an old-fashioned cold and a good half day’s worth of wrap-up paperwork. Why is it that simple common colds sap all ambition out of a day?
With a full day’s drive to Nashville for AgChat’s Cultivate & Connect conference looming on the horizon, I gave the kids a short pep talk about helping with household chores. They replied, “But Mom, what about our popcorn?!”
Right. The popcorn, which is ready for sale if ‘Mooommm!’ (me) could ever find an hour to launch their order form and bring to life their new logo and webpage. They’ve worked so hard again on their popcorn venture, including giving thought to marketing. That’s my job and they have been patiently waiting . . .
It’s called real life, folks. As much as I hate not following through on a commitment, real life has interrupted this year’s 30 Days of Farm Girl Faith.
Social media gives us an entire new ‘life’ to manage, relationships to build, and commitments that require time. Unfortunately, our online life doesn’t come with an additional 24-hours or an avatar who can like and share on our behalf.
At some point, life offline suffers i.e. the empty cupboards, but even more so our commitments to the people who matter most. My farm boy and farm princess are ready to open their virtual popcorn stand and the only hold up has been me.
So, excuse this interruption for just a few days, as we launch Bubba-Bug Popcorn. Faith has as much to do with the people we surround ourselves with as it does with our belief in something bigger. And I’ll have more to share about that topic if I spend time with the people who make my faith stronger.
Check out Bubba-Bug Popcorn. Learn more about the new name and place an order.
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